Sunday, May 30, 2010
5/30/10: Sexy Chick - Akon/David Guetta
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Airplanes - B.O.B (featuring Hayley Williams)
Friday, May 28, 2010

Thank you to my good friend of Things I Like To Eat for providing this to me! If you guys have not already joined her blog please do. She is a great writer, funny and sarcastic = amazing. I was honored to get the "Plastic Joy Award"! Don't ask who designed this award because I don't know. But I did play barbie's like this when no one was looking.
Once you receive this prestigious award you must name 5 characters (NOT the actual celeb) that you would like to provide some serious smooches to.
5. King Leonidas - I have never been the girl to like big muscle beef cake guys. However, I drooled throughout the movie 300 at Gerard Butler's amazing body. It helped to see his perfect booty and to hear his Scottish accent.

4. Indiana Jones - I have had a lot of crushes on movie/TV characters in my life but this has been the longest crush. I loved the Indiana Jones movies and seeing Harrison Ford's tall lean body and his cute side smile through out the series was enough to make a little girl go crazy. Even when he turned bad in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and was about to lower his girlfriend into lava - I still thought he was hot! Even though that movie scared the crap out of me and I wanted to close my eyes - I couldn't! He was just too hot and sweaty.

3. Richie Tenenbaum - I love Luke Wilson in general. His brother Andrew as "Future Man" in Bottle Rockets is also pretty hot. But Luke is just so cute and sweet. He won me over completely when he played Richie Tenenbaum in The Royal Tenenbaums. Who else can rock the 70's style better. Love the brown suit paired with sweatbands and dad style glasses. As you will see in my #1 smoocher I like guys who are in love with a tinge of obsession.

2. Patrick Bateman - Christian Bale is completely gorgeous to me. Patrick Bateman embodied a lot things that I look for in a man.
- Cares for his body and does masks to care for his clogged pores
- He loves the hits of the 80's
- He loves returning video tapes (I can't remember to return them. See we are a perfect match)

The Impression That I Get - Mighty Mighty Bosstones
Thursday, May 27, 2010
More Than A Feeling - Boston
Monday, May 24, 2010
I Want You to Want Me: Cheap Trick
5/23/10: Close Call - Rilo Kiley
Friday, May 21, 2010
Lucy Sue - Written/Produced/Performed by Me

Thursday, May 20, 2010
5/20/10: No More Lonely Nights: Paul McCartney
5/19/10: Your the One that I Want - GREASE
5/18/10: Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Ok so this is a bad start to my blog. I got up to check my email and facebook this morning and it changed my morning music! Now because my sister posted a video of these guys in Oregon University doing Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance – I guess this is the song that is now stuck in my head. But like I said. I always have good stories/memories related to songs.
So a few weeks ago my sister had to go to Palm Springs for work. I agreed to watch her girls. She has two very sweet, adorable and hilarious little girls. The oldest is 5 and youngest is 3. On the way down to my house I put on Lady Gaga for them because they LOVE to sing to her songs! So all the way down to my house I realized that my 3-year-old niece knew every single word to Paparazzi and looked completely adorable singing. I had to play it 3 times because I couldn’t get enough. My 5-year-old niece likes to be dramatic with her face while singing. She really gets into it. This is the girl who I swear can watch a movie one time and can quote the movie. Ridiculous. Anyways my favorite quotes from the girls were the following:
1. My 3-year-old niece was talking in her sleep and said “No! I don’t like baby eggs!” What the heck was she dreaming about!
2. We took the girls out to lunch with my husbands work friend who recently had a baby. My 5-year-old niece said to her husband “I like your hair, but I don’t like your attitude.” It was hilarious!
I love watching my nieces grow up and see their little personalities come out. It is good to see that we are building music memories together as well.Morning Music
I’m sure I cannot be the only one in the world that wakes up with music or a specific song in my head. For a long time now I have been thinking I should write down the songs that I wake up with so I can laugh about it later or so that I don’t forget. I guess it is like people who write down their dreams so they don’t forget. I have always loved music. I don’t play an instrument but tried to play the piano as a kid. I hated my teacher and I have a problem with following through on things. I grew up in a house that always had music playing, sometimes in all rooms of the house. I come from a big family – not Duggar’s style – but I am the middle of 5 children. I know I know – ugh the middle child. But my mom says I’m a unique middle child because I was the baby of the family for a while – then the middle child – then the oldest for a while. So I’m definitely all over the place and if you are a close friend or family you know how true that statement is for me.
Anyways, back to music. Not only was music always playing at our house, it was always playing at my both of my grandparents houses. I have the greatest memories of my grandpa (my mom’s Dad) watering his roses in his short shorts, a white t-shirt and flip flops dancing around to Frank Sinatra blaring in their backyard. All the while my grandma in her cute summer time bathing suit cover up getting us kids drinks, snacks and whatever we wanted. We also used to go to the beach every Monday with my other grandparents (my Dad’s parents) during the summer and we would all sing a long to the music that Tutu (grandma in Hawaiian) chose. Her favorite was Patsy Cline. We would all pile in the “Pickle” or the “Little Red Wagon” (their two VW buses) and sing all the way to the beach. Tutu in her fully color coordinated outfit – bathing suit, visor, flip-flops, towel – right down to her ice water cup all matching! My grandpa in his white V-neck t-shirt and coordinated shorts to whatever Tutu was wearing. Don’t even get me started on how she made us all match. My eye is twitching now!
All these memories have music tied to it. I have always realized that a lot of my memories even down to today have music tied to it. So most of the time when I wake up with a song in my head I think – why the heck did I wake up with that song in my head! I will sing it in my head for half the day and think about what it reminds me of. So this is why I’m starting this blog – to write down the music memories or just funny stories of friends, my family & me, or just to entertain you with the weird songs that I wake up with.
I hope you enjoy.