Saturday, July 31, 2010

We Own The Sky - M83

Don't have much a story for this song. Jason showed me this song on one of our trips up to see my parents about a year ago. It's a great song. The part I woke up with in my head was after 3:00 on.

We are headed out to breakfast then over to El Segundo to visit some friends. The last time we hung out with them I had that weird experience when that lady put her foot in my stall and started rubbing her toe. If anything crazy happens you will be sure that I will tell you guys!

Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

World In My Eyes - Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode has to be my all time favorite bands. I loved them since I was a kid. It is still something me and my older two sisters bond over. The last time they came into town we all called each other and planned to see them. At another time I will tell you a story about that concert. Let's just say at the end of the night my husband said "You completely lost it". Feel free to refer to the 7 things about myself I listed a few days ago to get a little insight about how I feel about being trapped.

On with today's blog.

Depeche Mode was my first concert. It was actually supposed to be Erasure but my mom saw an MTV News update where they were dancing around the stage with tutus on and she freaked. My sister saw Erasure later on (after she left home) and said they weren't as good in concert but it was still fun. I was so happy that Depeche Mode ended up being my first concert!

Let me set up the story for you. I was 13 years old and completely in love with David Gahan - I even sent him a fan letter with my 7th grade picture. DORK! Anyways I even remember what I wore. I wore black shorts with a little black belt and a white rayon shirt with huge buttons (oh good lord)! That shirt quickly was replaced by the DM t-shirt I quickly purchased at the concert. I curled my hair and tried to look super cute at all times because you never know if Dave Gahan has eagle eyes and could see me all the way in the yellow section of Dodger Stadium.

Anyways this concert experience still makes me smile. Right before they were going to come on it started to rain and everyone started to scream louder for them. So right when the music for World In My Eyes starts a friggin' bolt of lighting streaks through the sky right behind the stage. Everyone in Dodger stadium went ape shit. I'm not joking. At 13 - this moment was the most exciting point of my life. I felt like crying, but I didn't because I am super cool. The rest of the evening I screamed my lungs out to every song and danced with my sisters. My sister Heather at one point leaned over to me and said "You know all the words to every song! I didn't know you like them this much! You are cracking me up!" I looked at her like "DUH! Of course I know all the words!" Then I immediately went back to snapping my fingers and singing my heart out to Dave Gahan!


I also wanted to give a shout out to my girl Rhonda! She shared her morning music with me and I love it!! It's the Munchkin Land song from Wizard of Oz. We were chatting this morning and I said "Remember when you had to wait to see this movie on TV?" It was always a family event for us. I think they showed it around February every year (I could be wrong). But I remember one year my grandparents came down to watch it with us. We would make popcorn and get blankets and eagerly wait for it to start. I loved those days when you had to wait for movies - they made them so much special.

If you guys have morning music - please share!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Side note

Hi everyone! This is not my normal update but I have to tell you what I have been waiting for and STILL have to wait for! MAC has partnered up with Disney and will be coming out with a Villians Collection! Woo-hoo! The villians featured are Cruella De Vil, Evil Queen from Snow White, Maleficent, and Dr. Facilier (I haven't seen the movie with him though). This collection will be available this September and I will definitely be buying a few pieces in the collection! The names alone are amazing, "Sinister", "Strange Potion", "Bite of an Apple", "Dark Deed", "She Who Dares", "Briar Rose", etc. That Malificent mineralized eyeshadow duo is calling my name! And who has the best red lips ever - the villians! Can't wait to try this stuff out! Here are some pics!

The Dress - Blonde Redhead

Well sorry kids, I love this song but it is kind of depressing. I was obsessed with this band about a year ago and could NOT stop listening to them. I am very excited though because they are playing at the Music Box (aka Henry Fonda theatre) in November. Anyone wanna go with me?

My deepest fear has always been that once people get to know me they will not like me. It's something that I have had to face and deal with. Now if you don't like me I could care less! I think that is the good thing with getting older - you realize you don't have to put up with bull crap and find relationships you want to nurture and grow and others that can be thrown away in the trash. Sounds kind of harsh but true. My thirties have been a roller coaster but I have found that even though I can see things that I can improve about myself - I like who I am.

Anyways this song reminded me of my insecurities and how life, experience and the support of good friends (and a good man) can help you get over them.

Thoughts on the video?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Blog Award!

Hey everyone I was given a blog award! Woo-hoo! Thank you Danielle from 'So Here Is What You Missed' for giving me the Versatile Blogger Award! To my 8 followers - if you are looking for another funny and interesting blog - please check her out!

So here is the deal, once I get the award I have to do the following:

1. Thank the award giver.
2. Share seven things about myself.
3. Nominate new award winners and let them know.

Again, thank you Danielle for the award! I will take you out of for a cupcake sometime soon!

OK on to the seven things about me. Why do I find myself stumped? Hmm...ok here we go.

1. I LOVE football! I can't tell you how excited I am that football is almost here. Just to know that training camp is starting I get butterflies in my stomach. This is the kind of person I am at football games and sometimes watching the games in the comfort of my home. Sorry mom.

I lumped this into my love for football. My dream job = NFL/ESPN reporter. Come on, be honest, I would be SO much better than this chick! Of course I have to pick the worst picture ever. I actually really like her but I just want her job. :)

2. I have an obsession with make-up and skin care. My friend calls me a product junkie and she might be right, but there is a reason why people ask me when they are looking for a new mascara or foundation. I've tried almost all of them and I won't steer you wrong. No wasting your money with me baby! I've already wasted my money!

3. Tell me a good fart or poop story and I will be happy and laughing for days. Sorry it's the truth.

4. I still have my Bitty Beans and I will NEVER get rid of her. I think she was my first doll. She had a little opening on the back to show her butt- so cute! I had her packed away for a long time and when Jason and I moved I found her again and I realized something - her eyes are the ones I doodle all the time! For as long as I can remember when I am bored (school, work, conventions, etc) I draw eyes. I picked her up out of the box and I was like 'Oh my gosh it's your eyes I have been drawing all these years!' Weird huh. I love her.

5. If you trip and fall in front of me most likely I will want to laugh. I of course have learned that is really mean so I will wait until I know you are OK.

6. I am extremely claustrophobic so if you are ever trapped in an elevator with me you need to beware because I will most likely windmill punch everyone until I feel like I have enough room or until I pass out.

7. I used to HATE to be picked up as a kid! I was so tiny in school that other kids used to pick me up and run around with me. It made my blood boil. Funny thing is that when my family would go on trips and we would get back late I used to pretend that I was asleep so my dad would pick me up and put me in my bed. It was one of my favorite things. Nothing like a good daddy.

I pass this Versatile Award onto the following:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Turn This Mutha Out - MC Hammer

Umm you don't want to know why I woke up with this song in my head. I think this came out when I was in sixth grade - I'm not sure, but me and my friends and school would practice MC Hammer dance moves on the quad during lunch. Are you slowly realizing I might be the coolest chick you know?

Friday, July 23, 2010

I Wanna Be Your Man - Zapp & Rogers

Oh yeah baby - this takes me back to my high school days. After leaning like a cholo at North side Santa Maria parties we would bring it on down and dance to jams like this. The guys at these parties weren't embarrassed to sing to you while dancing with you. I remember the first time we went to a North Side party, we were certainly not dressed appropriately and it was different than any party I have been to. I loved it though! I remember thinking I love that they are playing all this old music!

We lived initially on the South end of Santa Maria (or Orcutt/O town) and then ended up moving right outside of Santa Maria to a little place called Tanglewood (or the Wood). You would never think this little small agricultural town was so gangsta. Most of the parties we had gone to played all the new music like C&C Music Factory (oh yeah baby gonna make you sweat) and head banger hits of the day like Metallica and Nirvana. But if we were having parties my sister Tabi and I would always try to bring it back a bit and throw in some 80's hits and people would stand there staring at us while we and some of our good friends were the only ones dancing. So I appreciated going to parties where people loved old songs. That is how the North side parties were. They listened to all the songs my Aunt Mo used to listen to when we would go visit her and her friends.

My first slow song with a guy at a North side party was Always and Forever and he starting singing. At first I was like wow this guy really likes this song. Then I looked at him and he was staring at me singing the song! AHHH! I was not ready for that! This is the dancing I was used to - you barely talk to each other because you are embarrassed that you are that close to each other and if you make eye contact, you quickly look away. Ok may have been my nerves but I was never really comfortable getting close because I felt like a nerd. Don't get me wrong I loved slow dancing because I was not allowed to date until I was 18 so any chance to touch boys I was all for it! But I have to be one of the most awkward people known to man if I like someone or if I think they like me. Ask my husband. To top off the weirdness during this dance his breathe was getting progressively worse because he kept trying to get his face closer to mine. I started to lean my head away as far as possible and looking for my sister Tabi to give her the "HELP" face. But Tabi - Ms. Comfortable in every situation was chatty Cathy was some other guy she was dancing with. Thanks. But bad breath and all I always had a blast.

This song also reminds me of one my favorite comedies - Pootie Tang. If you have ever seen the movie you are probably saying "That is the dumbest movie in the world". I don't know but I think it is funny. Especially the part with this song. I cant' find the clip of it on YouTube - but I will show a little trailer for Pootie Tang So dumb - but kind of genius?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This is the Day - The The

This song always reminds me of my sister Heather. My sister has always been a big influence on me growing up. She was my idol - everything she did, I did. If she was wearing her a hair a certain way I would do the same. I used to love when people would call me "Little Heather". She never thought I was annoying or irritating - she is such a good sissy. I swear to god our 8th grade spring pictures we look almost identical - even though it was 4 years apart we were wearing a similar shirt and hair style. Of course Heather looked more put together, I was always a little frazzled looking. Probably because I had just finished playing kick ball.

Like I said in a previous blog update she used to make us tapes of the music she was listening to. She was always thinking of us or my parents. She is our family organizer. If we are going on a trip we can sit back and relax because we know Heather will pretty much plan everything. I know she gets irritated at that sometimes but, honey you do it so well!

I remember the year after she got married she planned to do a video for my parents anniversary. We helped her get pictures together of my parents and us, although I don't really remember doing much. She planned it all out, putting the pictures in order and to what music. Danielle, do you understand now why you remind me so much of my sister! It was the best thing I have seen and heard. The music really made the video. The songs she used was:

- Maggie May - Rod Stewart
This is my parents song. The video showed pictures of them as kids and them together when they were dating - which was not very long. Horn dogs!

- Cherry Bomb - John Cougar Mellencamp (the Coug)
This part of the video is showing when they had Heather and moved out to the mid west when they were 19.

- We Are Family - Sister Sledge
Of course showing the three older girls - Heather, Tabi and finally ME!
- Young American - David Bowie
This song was dedicated to my younger brother and sister. They seriously have the cutest baby pictures! Jake looked like a doll! He was the only one of us that got my dad's big blue eyes. His baby girl Ava looks just like him - she will be a beautiful girl. Missy on the other hand had these big red lips as a kid and she was never in clothes. So her pictures consisted of maybe a diaper, her 'nene' (blanket) and her big red lips. Quick story about Missy's lips. She went to spend the day at my Grandma's house one time and my Grandma got mad at her because she thought she put lipstick on. My Grandma was rubbing the crap out of her lips to try and get the lipstick off and Missy was yelling "Grandma it's just my lips!" So funny!

- This is the Day - The The
My sister ended the video with this song with pictures of her wedding. James was now a new member of the family and I think for me watching this part of the video I felt our life was changing because all of us were getting older and we were going to start moving on with our lives and adding more people to our family. I remember thinking, "We are gonna need to add to this!" Now to think about then to now our family has gone through many many changes and it is still changing. Man, I think we need to do an updated family video! We can leave out the assholes along the way though.

The thing that has been constant is that we all still love each other. I was watching a show with a lady who has a bunch of brothers and sisters and she said "We fight a lot and we love a lot." I thought that was very true. My sister Heather said something very similar about us, she's a smart lady.

I leave you with this song to enjoy.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Brother Louie - Stories

We just started watching Louie CK's new show on FX and it's funny but not as hilarious as his stand up is. Not much of a story there.

I will tell you a story of what happened yesterday. This weekend I pretty much bummed around for two days and enjoyed doing nothing. I went in the pool everyday and it was amazing! Yesterday I thought I would read a little outside and then when I could bear the heat no more - jump in the pool. I decided to take out my little Lucy with me. I walk outside and I see my father in law has put out nuts to feed the squirrels. Side note - they have done this for years and the squirrels are obese now and the nuts also bring rats as well. Disgusting.

Anyways, Lucy sits by me like a good puppy and then ventures to do some backyard exploring. She heads straight for the nuts because she is never full of having treats. She ate two nuts and then I jumped up and realized they were macadamia nuts. I grabbed her and ran into the house and asked my mother in law - "Did you guys put out macadamia nuts outside?" She said, "yes we are trying to get rid of them."

I was fuming. For those of you who do not know what a dog can or cannot eat. Macadamia nuts is a no no. So I calmed myself and went to my computer to see if I should immediately take her to the vet or what. So of course everyone says - call your vet. I call the Pet Emergency Clinic because it is Sunday and my vet is not open. I go over the details with the lady and she says they cannot say what to do because it is poison ingested from 'people food'. Huh? She gave me the number to the Animal Poison Control. I start to get nervous.

Jason knew I was upset and tried to calm me down but I just blew - 'Why would you put stuff outside that is poisonous to dogs when you have dogs that go outside!! If you want to get rid of stuff - throw it away!!' He was smart and just walked away to talk to his parents.

I call the Animal Poison Control and had to pay $65 just to talk to someone and see if I should take my dog in or not. I again go over the details with the lady and she said the vet if it was her dog she would stay at home and monitor her. She said I can expect the following:

- Vomit & diaherria
- Macadamia nuts affects the brain so she may become quiet and have a hard time walking or the use of her hind legs.
- Tremors

At this point I have a lump in my throat and am scared because I don't want to see Lucy go through this. She told me the symptoms when I need to call them back because it is more serious (ie. cannot stop vomiting, cannot get up, really bad tremors). She also said because nuts are high in fat in 2 to 3 days I can possibly see her start vomiting all over again because she has pancreatitis and for that I need to take her in. Good times.

I get off the phone and Jason is waiting there with a worried look on his face because he sees all the notes I took from my conversation. He said, "Is she gonna die?" That made me smile a little because he shared my over active worry. I went through what the lady said and assured him that I'm sure she will probably just be sleepy tonight because she only ate two. Meanwhile Lucy is acting normal and chasing a fly around the room. To me this was a good sign. Jason said his parents felt bad and thought I was mad at them, which I initially was but in reality Lucy could have snatched a piece of chocolate from me. It was an accident - I'm over it. So, I go out and talk to his parents and assure them that I'm not angry and I tell them what the lady told me. Jason's mom proceeds to tell me all the 'poisonous' things she fed her dogs for years and they never had any problems and finds it interesting that everyone says that they are poisonous now. She said I come from the day when you give your dogs left overs. I said yeah I never knew all the things that could be bad for dogs - but there are reasons that vets are saying they are bad for dogs - so I want to stay away from them. At this point I'm getting irritated again because I feel she is saying I'm overreacting and that it's no big deal and that everyone focuses on the 'horror stories'. I just walked away.

So about an hour passes and Jason's parents wanted to show us something on the TV so we go into their living room to watch. I brought Lucy and she was running around like normal. Jason's mom said 'Wow, call the ambulance she is really sick'. Stay calm. Geez isn't there some laundry I should be doing? Hmm - I leave with Lucy.

Throughout the night Jason's dad goes about his business and has to go through our section of the house to do it - but thoughtfully comes and checks on Lucy. She is still going nuts - no bringing her down. He says 'Yeah she is really sick - maybe she needs some more nuts'. Boiling. Maybe I'm just sensitive - but shut up!!!

I seriously believe macadamia nuts for Lucy is crack. She was running around like I have never seen her. Really, really jumpy. Around 9:30 I was filling up her water and she was just sitting there being a good puppy and she started shaking and twitching. I screamed for Jason and he ran in she finally stopped but I was scared. He was like calm down Chrystal - she is gonna be fine! I lost it once again. I really needed release some anger - maybe punch someone, good ol' hair pull or a nice pinch. Instead I just went and read a book to get away. Lucy snuggled up next to me.

Lucy was sleepy at her normal time and Jason and I ended the evening on good terms with Lucy between us on the bed.

I am friggin' exhausted. But I like this song.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Filet O' Fish

So the other night Jason and I were on our way to hang out with friends and we had talked about getting in their pool. I told Jason we should get them a ridiculous child swim ring so we stopped by CVS. I went down the isle with the swim stuff and Jason went down the other isle with the kid toys. I hear Jason gasp then say, "Chrys! You need to get over here immediately!" There was almost half a row of these talking/singing wall fish. It was singing a Filet O' Fish song that apparently was in a McDonald's commercial awhile back. This friggin' song will NOT leave either of our heads now! Jason can't stop laughing about it and wants to get it for our house so when his dad gets up to let their dogs out it will scare the crap out of him or make him laugh. I don't want it because selfishly I believe this will affect my wonderful blog. I know that if we have that in our house - as funny as it is - my morning music will end! Seriously - watch this below a few times and tell me that you can't get this song out of your head! Jason and I have been singing and dancing to this song for 2 days now!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Can Talk - Two Door Cinema Club

Love this song! We were on our way to hang out with friends last night when this came on the radio. So I immediately start car dancing (exaggerated arm movements with hair flips). Poor Jason - he is just used to this by now but I'm sure its embarrassing. He is so good to me - he knew I loved this song and he put it on my iPod but I never knew until last night.

This video reminds me of how dirty my room was growing up and sometimes what my 'hang up' clothes pile looks like. I hate hanging up clothes. The video also reminds me of how much I loved and still love making tents out of sheets and blankets. The last time my nieces came to my house I made up a tent in my living room and we played "Tornado". We were all screaming 'Oh no the tornado is coming!' while I shook the sheets. Mia had to go save Uncle Jason and Lucy from storm and then we all huddled together until it passed. There were about 10 tornados that came through my living room that day. I love those little girls!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Too Many Songs

I woke up with a lot of songs in my head this morning. I had a huge fight with a friend that I knew was going to happen sooner or later. I thought that I was going to be upset but I actually feel FREEDOM from the drama! This person was all up in my grill and needed to "extract the rafter from your own eye" (to quote the Bible - right back at ya sweety)! Have you ever had a person in your life that is just sucking the life out of you and nobody understands why you are friends with them? Well, I had one of those. But after the blow out I said hit the road!

Anyways I wanted to leave you with a song that was in my head when I went to sleep snuggling with my sweet puppy Lucy who tries to dig in closer to me constantly. I'm like 'honey you are as close as possible!' She was so sweet and has the cutest face. The song 'Baby Mine' from Dumbo came to mind. I know I'm a nerd but I love her so much. Anyone who can see that part and not shed some tears or at least get a lump in their throat has no heart! I have seen that movie a million times and I get choked up every time I see it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

West Coast - Coconut Records

This is kind of a weekend update. I woke up to this song in my head this morning at 3am when I abruptly woke up to the smell of smoke in my parents guest bedroom. I sat up and made sure that I wasn't dreaming - yes it smelled like smoke. So I jumped up and opened the door and the rest of the house did not smell like smoke, so I was smelling around the room like a hound dog and woke up my poor husband who basically just fell asleep and he did not smell anything. At this point I couldn't smell anything either. I felt like a dumb ass. So I laid back down and smelled smoke every once in awhile and Jason still couldn't smell it. So I came to a conclusion. I was dying. I pictured that I was going to be on the next "Monsters Inside Me" or some scary TLC show. This is the interview I made up in my mind:

Interviewer: When did you first know something was wrong?

Me: I started smelling smoke randomly and no one ever smelled it!

Interviewer: So what is the final diagnosis?

Me: I'm dying of a smoke parasite that is living in my brain and it is slowly deforming me.

Then it cuts to pictures and videos when I was happy and normal.

Then while I laid in my parents old bed I realized something - I am a nut job. Then I started thinking of the bed that we were sleeping in. My mom had this bed I think since she was 15 or 16 and it was my parents bed for years. It was a double bed and my dad was so tall that he had to hang his feet over the edge of the frame of the bed. When my parents finally got their California King my dad said he had a hard time adjusting because his feet were not hanging off the bed. I always thought that was hilarious. I'm surprised that their bed was never broken by us. When my parents would go out to dinner we would run into their room and twist around the bed posts like it was a Magic Mountain ride. We never had a problem finding fun. So, my sister and I ended up sharing my mom's old bed when we were in high school - Tabi was 16 and I was 14. My sister Tabi was never someone that you could get to laugh easily and when we started to share a room I needed to have her think I was the funniest person on the planet because my sister Heather would always laugh at the silly things I would say. Tabi was different. So I needed to use drastic measures. The top of the bed posts could be removed and used as fake microphones for my serenades to Tabi. One of the songs that finally got her to laugh was the famous "Because she" song. Don't ask me the lyrics because I used to just walk around the room holding the top of the bed post like Frank Sinatra making up lyrics, but the whole point of the song was to explain what Tabi was doing or not doing - the start of every lyric started with "Because she...". Confirmation = nut job.

Jason played this song a few times on the way up to visit my parents. We then started talking about how cool Jason Schwartzman is. I said "Yeah he's hot." Jason almost swerved off the road and looked at me and said "What! You think he is hot!" I said, "Well he is not like Christian Bale or Brad Pitt hot or anything but - yeah he's hot". So then I listed the below items of why I think he is hot:
1. Great personality (because I know him so well)
2. Dresses cool and has good style
3. Musician
4. Love his movie selection and characters

He finally understood my thinking.

I got to see my Grandpa a few times this weekend as well. He has been sick and is in an extended care facility until he finishes up his antibiotics. It was so good to see him. Sitting and talking with him, my Grandma and my mom I realized why I am the way I am. My grandpa sat there talking about his favorite songs and why he loves music. I told him about my blog and he said "You are like me! I wake up with songs in my head too! I love song lyrics and melodies." We sat and talked about musicals and his time in Navy. He has been through so much but I really believe he will outlast us all! He is really the energizer bunny. I promised him to be a good granddaughter and visit him more. He said, "Make some time for the old guy." Umm....stab to the heart.

On a food point which my friend TILTE will love. We went to the Hitching Post in Casmalia for dinner on Thursday night and stuffed ourselves with the most amazing food! Their artichoke appetizer is ridiculous and I dream about it. I had a 5oz Filet and a baked potato. Everything was delicious! I don't know how my parents don't go there every night!

By the way - the smoke smell was from a trunk that my mom had in the room. It was my sister's when her massage room caught on fire from her dipshit partner who left the candles burning. The company cleaned the trunk but you can still smell the smoke every once in awhile. We were there for 4 days and finally smelled it on the last night. So you will not see me on the next episode of "Monsters Inside Me" or TLC. Whew!

Here is the song:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Life of Brian

Don't ask me why this song is in my head because I actually have never seen this entire movie. I of course have seen this part of the movie and thought it was hilarious. 'Life's a piece of shit - when you look at it!'

I just recently in the last year saw the entire Monty Python's Holy Grail. It was the movie Jason would put on with his buddies at the end of the night and I always fell asleep. These movies are the favorites of Jason and his buddy Adam. I think it is better to watch it with them because of how much Adam laughs. It is the same experience I have when watching Young Frankenstein with my brother - it is so much funnier because he laughs hysterically at the below part.

I think my sub-conscience knew I needed some comedy today. "Hello handsome!"

I love Gene Wilder!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Guns & Roses

Yes I know mom - Bob Dylan wrote and sang this song. But of course I have a good story that goes with the Gun & Roses version. Well I guess it is really not my story - it is my sister Heather's story. I hope you don't kill me for this H.

Heather moved up to Santa Maria before we did and as she always does, made friends immediately. She was dating someone at the time but of course she is beautiful and the Santa Maria boys didn't know where to get. She was adored by all of them.

She told me that one time she went to one of her friends parties and this guy asked her to slow dance to Knocking on Heaven's Door by Guns & Roses and she accepted. The guy was basically drooling over her the whole time and all of the sudden - HELLO!! - she knew he was very happy. The guy was obviously proud of it because he made no effort to back away. She also said he had a creepy smile on his face. EWWW! After the song was over she ran away from him and told her friends and for the rest of the evening they were singing to her "Knock knock knockin' on Heather's door!" She was mortified.

The best part about this story to me is imagining my sisters face. When she is shocked or disgusted she is like me in the fact that it cannot be hidden on her face. I'm sure her eyes were huge and her mouth pursed and in her mind she was saying "SICK!"

I can't stop laughing!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Alejandro - Lady Gaga

Wow - two Lady Gaga songs since I started this blog. Yesterday I was a make-up artist/hair stylist/photographer extraordinaire. I did a mini photo shoot for Alice Nakamura who is in the Japanese pop band Triple P. She is a very sweet girl and I had so much fun doing her make up and taking her pics. She is a very good model and the photo shoot went really smooth. Below are some pics of us in action.

Here I am waiting for the shoot to begin.

The below Mercedes is Justin Timberlake's. He was in the building we were doing the photo shoot in. Dr. Dre was supposed to show up later as well - but I didn't get to see either of them. Oh well. I had to look like a geek next to his car .

Gary took a picture of me in action.

During our photo shoot her iPhone rang and her ring tone was Alejandro from Lady Gaga. Made me smile.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tuts Mah Barreh

Thank you Sasha for getting this song stuck in my head. It will take days to get this song out of my head.

At work, when we actually had people who worked there, we used to send funny YouTube videos to each other and this was one of the gems that was sent. It is hilarious! I love that he does gestures through the song.

Yesterday I was doing Sasha's make up and she said 'I feel like singing that song that Asian guy sang on YouTube - do you know what I'm talking about?' Then we both sang "I will hunt chu down!" Then she sent me the video so we could laugh!

I can't help but laugh! "I will give you plankton!" "Come on and give me water dessert!"